
Mythic Sky

Released 1995
  1. Going South (5:03)
  2. Voices of the Old Growth (7:10)
  3. About the Future (5:54)
  4. Entering the Chamber of Sacred Stones (5:42)
  5. Atlantis Rising (5:03)
  6. Twilight (4:55)
  7. Seeking (6:05)
  8. Dance of Hope (5:07)
  9. Floating (final prayer) (2:05)
  10. Nomads (7:22)
  11. Cybersky (5:53)
  12. Tandava (2:36)

Mythic Sky music explores the emotions evoked by the power of myth and epic quests into the unknown. A large tonal palette created by combining the latest in 20th century synthesizer technology with the timeless sounds of acoustic stringed instruments and percussion enables Mythic Sky to range from delicate atmospherics to primal depths. Attention to musical nuances of dynamics, instrumentation and form fostered by the members diverse musical backgrounds gives the ensemble’s music clarity of expression that results in music with heart and imagination. David performs on celtic harp, mando cello and guitar. David’s vision of an acoustic/electronic ensemble and his suite “Seeds Of Hope” originated Mythic Sky.

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Buy this CD directly from the artist for $15 (If you order any combination of three or more CDs, you may take $2 off the price of each CD). Please add $2 shipping and handling with your order. Send check or money order to: David Helfand, 370 W. 17th Ave., Eugene, OR 97401, USA