
I am Julie, sitting in the first row with my parents. I just wanted to share with you some of the thoughts I had today at your concert that blew me away. It was like a meditation, a journey in which both happiness and sorrow existed, transformed and the feelings that arose integrated with another and diminished. The harp painted the atmosphere and the viola sang its words.

Breath taking moments that you want to relish. Thank you so very much! I want to hear you two perform soon so please come again when you can. Wishing you a safe journey back to Eugene.

Julie Brown
Bend, OR, Library concert, July 19, 2015

David Helfand adds a good measure of peace to the spirit. The energy from his musical performances envelopes your body and intertwines with your blood to provide for a refreshing and comforting sense of well-being. This is what he aims to project. He gives to his audiences. He is humble in the presentations of his musical offerings.

His style is contemporary, but rooted in ancient values and connections, resonating the theme of change moving in an outward spiral with an orbit around tradition and ancestral heritage. His work is beautiful.

David Helfand has performed on numerous occasions at White Horse Coffee & Tea – an oasis in Sutherlin, Oregon for Celtic and folk music. He always draws a capacity crowd of appreciative fans. He is frequently joined by violinist David Burham, another amazing musical talent.

David MacDonald

Every year for the past six, Celtic Harpist David Helfand has performed at the Hillsboro Library to overflow crowds. People look forward to his appearance and enjoying the soothing sounds of his music. The audience also is very responsive to David’s engaging style of introducing each song and talking about his inspiration. Please feel free to contact me if you have further questions.

David Pauli, Reference Librarian
Hillsboro Library, Hillsboro, OR
503-380-1583; [email protected]

At Woodinville Library (Woodinville, Washington), we had a concert called “Music From Distant Lands.” The concert was performed by David Helfand and Justin Lader.

David and Justin were brilliant. Their music was so beautiful. David and Justin performed a variety of original and traditional music inspired by their travels to the British Isles, Israel, the Middle East, and the Far East. David plays the Celtic harp, which is an amazing instrument to behold. He also plays guitars and an interesting string instrument called a Mandocello. Justin played the viola beautifully.

David interacted easily with the audience during their performance, explaining the origin of the pieces of music he played. He also talked about their instruments. After the performance, a lot of the audience went up to look at his harp and other instruments. There were some students of the harp in the audience, and David worked with them after the performance, in some cases, listening to the students’ original compositions.

Woodinville Library is looking forward to having David and Justin play here again as soon as possible, with overflowing crowds in attendance to hear them play.

Linda Safarli, Reference Librarian
Woodinville Library
17105 Avondale Road NE, Woodinville, WA 98072
425-788-0733; [email protected]