
Through the Portal

Released 2016
  1. Through the Portal
  2. At the Beginning
  3. Homage
  4. Orbit
  5. Dawn Ascending
  6. Beyond the Borders
  7. Gateways/Sanctuary's Door
  8. Endless Skies
  9. Wheel of Time
  10. Searching for You

After three years of work, Justin and I highly welcome the release of our epic space music opus featuring harp, viola, guitar, percussion, cello, bass, keyboards and the beautiful, haunting sounds of the mellotron. It was a pure joy to have cellist, Elizabeth Gergel add her incredible playing to our work and to have Anthony Proveaux perform and engineer our album. Through the Portal is a work of deep passion and love and dedicated to the memory of loved ones who have journeyed beyond.

Reviews & coverage

Read more about the album: in this article by Joseph A. Lieberman on Oregon Jewish Life and in this wonderful review by the late Michael Diamond, originally published on his site Music and Media Focus.

Purchase this album

Buy this CD directly from the artist for $15 (If you order any combination of three or more CDs, you may take $2 off the price of each CD). Please add $2 shipping and handling with your order. Send check or money order to: David Helfand, 370 W. 17th Ave., Eugene, OR 97401, USA
Also available online